Twinkly Music Dongle for LED lights


Product Name: Twinkly Music Dongle for LED lights

Twinkly Music Dongle for LED lights


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  • Twinkly Music is a revolutionary technology that will add color and shape to any sound. Its advanced algorithms will instantly "decode" any sound source, whether it's classic Christmas carols or great dance music. By identifying the appropriate musical elements, the Twinkly Music adapter will play the beats on the light installation, creating an overall grand audiovisual experience. The adapter is equipped with an ultra-accurate BPM detector, ready to connect your lights with music. Float along to the music and watch Twinkly's lights float along with you! Just as Twinkly LED products have effects, Twinkly Music also has drivers. The driver includes an effect and a special algorithm to give the sound a unique shape. Choose the driver that best suits your mood, music and your Twinkly lights!